Painting Brighton


Martin moved to Brighton in 2015, returning to his home county Sussex after several years in Cornwall.

In making the adjustment from the relaxed atmosphere of the west country to the hustle and bustle of a modern city, Martin has found new avenues of inspiration in the people and architecture of the urban environment and seeks to combine striking compositions with saturated colours and high levels of detail capturing both the vibrancy and inevitable decay of a busy seaside town.

You can click on an image to buy a print of it in the shop, or if you are interested in an original painting please contact Martin here.

Painting of Brighton Pavilion by Martin Thomas
Painting of The Theatre Royal in Brighton by Martin Thomas
Painting of Powered Glider by Martin Thomas
Painting of The South Downs by Martin Thomas
Painting of deckchairs on a gloomy Brighton Beach
Painting of Brighton's famous carousel by Martin Thomas
Painting of The Queens Hotel in Brighton by Martin Thomas
A painted A to Z of Brighton by Martin Thomas
Painting of the sunset from Brighton beach by Martin Thomas
Painting of Embassy Court by Martin Thomas
A Painted Pub Crawl of Brighton's North Laine by Martin Thomas
A Painted Pub Crawl of Hove by Martin Thomas
A painted pub crawl of Hanover in Brighton by Martin Thomas
A Painting of Brighton railway station by Martin Thomas
Painting of Bedford Towers by Martin Thomas
Painting of a section of Brighton Pier by Martin Thomas
Painting of a shelter on Hove seafront by Martin Thomas
Painting of a gloomy day on Hove seafront by Martin Thomas
Painting by Martin Thomas including both Brighton Piers
Composition of different buildings in Brighton by Martin Thomas
Painting of Steps on Madeira Drive in Brighton by Martin Thomas
Painting of The Odeon cinema in Brighton by Martin Thomas
Painting of The Brighton Centre and the Grand Hotel at dusk by Martin Thomas
Painting of The sunset from Brighton beach by Martin Thomas
Brighton spelt using individual paintings by Martin Thomas
Painting of The sunset from Brighton beach by Martin Thomas
Painting of The sky with dark clouds by Martin Thomas
Painting of The sunset from Brighton Beach by Martin Thomas
Painting of The sunset from Brighton Beach by Martin Thomas
Painting of The Met college in Brighton by Martin Thomas
Painting of some roosting pigeons by Martin Thomas
Painting of some roosting pigeons by Martin Thomas
Painting of people walking through Brighton Lanes by Martin Thomas

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Painting of people on Brighton Pier by Martin Thomas
Painting of The helter skelter on Brighton Pier by Martin Thomas
A Painted Pub Crawl of The Lanes in Brighton by Martin Thomas
Painting of The Concorde 2 building by Martin Thomas
Painting of Sydney Street in Brighton by Martin Thomas
Painting of Kensington Gardens in Brighton by Martin Thomas


If you would like Martin to ceate your own unique piece then please get in touch via email  or use the form below. Alternatively you can message him on Instagram

Painting of people in Brighton Place by Martin Thomas
Painting of people with umbrellas on Brighton Beach by Martin Thomas
Painting of a couple on Brighton Beach at sunset by Martin Thomas
Painting of The Turbo rollercoaster by Martin Thomas
Painting of Some arches on Brighton Seafront by Martin Thomas
Painting of Seagulls in flight by Martin Thomas

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